
Apply or sign in as a

Apply or sign in as a TV Brand Member:

Your company sells and markets TVs to Retail or Consumers and wants to create a lasting new
revenue stream

A Mission 1 Membership is subject to approval. Please reach out to [email protected]
to receive our membership requirements.
Apply or sign in as a Retail Member:

Your company sells TVs to End-Consumers as a Retailer and wants to receive a monetization

A Mission 1 Membership is subject to approval. Please reach out to [email protected] to
receive our membership requirements.
Apply or sign in as a Supply Chain Member:

Your company manufacturers SoCs, PCBs, or complete TVs (ODM/OEM) and wants to receive a
monetization share

A Mission 1 Membership is subject to the approval. Please reach out to [email protected] to receive our membership requirements.